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subject: Habits For People Starting Their Own Business [print this page]

Habits For People Starting Their Own Business

You are one of those great ones who have made a choice to get out of the rut and start something on your own. Good for you. But I do want to caution you this is not some sort of easy path. Ownership is a big responsibility and you will have to treat it right. Here are a few suggestions that will lead you into effective habits.

First, you need to develop a business mindset. That means that you are at work even if work is the corner of your living room. This means you need to kill the TV and quit the mindless surfing online and get done the things that your business should get done. Just because the refrigerator is only twenty feet away does not mean that you should make an average of 21.3 trips a day. You don't have time for that.

Second, you need to let your family know that you are working and do not wish to be interrupted. This will be difficult when mom calls and wants to talk for 2 hours. You need to take a bold stand and let her know that you are on work time and she may call back at a given time when you are not working.

This may go over like a lead balloon but if you wish to be a success you will do it. Besides, she will likely forgive you when you are in a finical position to invite them to take a cruise with you.

Third, you must keep your eyes on the financials. Expenses and income are the thing that make businesses work. If your get expenses out of hand and you do not know it then you will soon fail.

3.It is especially important to keep track of your finances. One thing that many people don't realize when they work for someone else that they don't have to worry about keeping track of taxes and what not.

You don't have the ability to let this slide; if you do you will find yourself in big trouble, in fact. You have to keep track of your expenses and do not cheat yourself. You owe yourself knowing the true financial picture.

Changing your business into a home based business is a great step, but also very challenging. You can also make a lot of money this way. Set good habits for yourself and then be disciplined about your habits. You can be a success.

by: Gabriel Miller

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