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subject: Making Money Using Your Newsletter [print this page]

All the successful internet marketers are running newsletters. If you don't have one yet, you may be missing out on the best money making strategy over the internet. Here are the steps to making money online using a newsletter.

Step 1: Choose Your Autoresponder Software

Before you do any promotions online, you must learn how to set up and maintain an auto responder series, otherwise known as a newsletter. This method is hardly new; in fact, so many marketers are singing praises for this internet marketing strategy . Believe me, this method will never be outdated. You are wasting page views if your readers leave your page and forget all about you. Instead of giving yourself a chance to convert all your leads, you're allowing the others to escape, leave and never return. The most popular ones are aweber, getresponse and 1shoppingcart.

Step 2: Decide on Your Check Out Service

In your newsletter, you will be encouraging people to download this or that ebook, or sign up for this or that offering. Once you've sold the product psychologically to your customers, they would want to get it at once. You've reached the point in which you can really sell something, so don't mess it up.

When you have set up your newsletter, you should go shopping for a potential payment processor. Some of the more popular ones are Paypal, Click Bank and 2 Check Out.

Step 3: Set Up Your Landing Pages

The first page on your site that a potential customer visits is your landing page. Your landing page must content your product description, your newsletter sign up box and your buy now button. Any individual who gives his email address and confirms his subscription will get recorded by the auto responder. That person will become a part of your newsletter mailing list..

Step 4: Your Method of Making Money

Once they subscribe, the auto responder will send them your messages. Remember that the person is receiving your message like he's receiving a letter from someone he knows. You can use the letter to describe your product in detail or persuade the subscribers to buy. Soft sell, or hard sell, it's your call. The point is that you have a plan on how to convert your subscribers.

A lot of internet marketers don't even wait for a few emails before they start selling. They use the thank you page to generate sales, or up sells (if the customer already bought the product).

Even if you don't have a product or a service to sell, you can still use a newsletter as a money making tool. You can tell your subscribers how someone has just created a brilliant product - and you can offer it to your subscribers through an affiliate link.

by: Luke Peterson

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