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Tips 4 - 6 For Making Adsense Cash

Since I have been using AdSense and getting AdSense Money checks, I have come to learn some useful tips that would help you make money with AdSense. These tips, along with the systems in my e-book, helped me increase my AdSense income by 560%. If you are starting, check out these tips before you start using AdSense. If you're already using AdSense, incorporate these tips into your AdSense program and see your income soar.

Making Money with AdSense -- Tip #4:

You want to make new pages with higher paying keywords (while keeping it real and relevant).

Sometimes, selecting different keywords on the same topic can really make a difference in earnings.

Pretend you have a gardening site and you want to create some new pages.

By carefully selecting which topics to focus on first, you can dramatically increase your income.

With the Overture tool mentioned above, you can find out that 'water gardening' currently has a maximum price of $0.50, while 'gardening zone' is only $0.05. That means you can earn 10 times more by creating a page on 'water gardening' than 'gardening zones'! Which one to choose...yeah, that's tough!

What you want to do is use information to decide which relevant keywords to focus on as you go through the process of making new pages for your site.

Making Money with AdSense -- Tip #5:

Build a new site on high paying keywords.

This is one of my most lucrative pieces of advice: create a brand new site to take advantage of Google AdSense by deliberately selecting a topic with high paying keywords.

Then, of course, you deliver dynamite content on that topic.

But how do you know what the highest paying keywords are?

Another tool you can use comes from pay-per-click search engine, 7Search. 7Search has a page on the 100 highest paying keywords. Unfortunately, it's not perfect. The tool often 'times out' and gives you an error when you try to access the page. My best advice is just be patient and try several times to get this list?it's worth it.

Making Money with AdSense -- Tip #6:

Pull in qualified traffic to your site.

Basic marketing 101 says if you get more qualified visitors to your site, more people will naturally click on the displayed AdWords, and you'll earn more.

In closing, I want to say that these strategies can help you maximize your revenue from Google AdSense.

by: Chatel Musgrove

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