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subject: Review Enfamil Gentlease Lipil Powder Formula [print this page]

I fed the baby Enfamil Premium, as it is fed while in hospital, but after drinking it at home for two weeks, my child has had a terrible stomach pain and gas. He would scream, cry, trembled, and twice because of gas and abdominal pain.

I called the medical office, a Milicon is proposed. But my son still had stomach problems. I changed the design for the Twenty Playtex bottles, and still had the same questions. So our proposal Gentlease pediatric nurse, and it worked like a charm (almost immediately). We don t Milicon 'use more like milk and bottle design changes did the trick. One day, I decided that I 'd use extra cans of Enfamil Premium, a Gentlease ran out to see if gassiness a "coincidence". I tried it and low and behold, after drinking half a bottle of Enfamil Premium, my child is just terrible side effects.

Needless to say, I took a can of Enfamil Premium plus back BJ s ', and then stored on Gentlease. This formula is actually for children who are "really" have problems with gas and fussiness! He helped my child, who is now healthy and strong three months of age.

We thought that our child is a little 'gassy from Enfamil Premium Ready-to-feed, so we decided to move to this formula. Seems like the gas flows, but the spit-ups are increasing so much! Usually, he would spit a bit ', only a shoulder wet clothes, with this, he spit so, back almost to his life of being wet, we would Have to change clothes three times a night, something I did not have do before. So we went back to Enfamil Lipil Premium. One thing I know for sure, almost all children suffer from the pain of gas more than women Because their stomachs are less developed than girls at birth, so that the first three months children are Almost a nightmare, even those who were breastfed breast. We used Mylicon / Little tummies gas drops, we also use water complaints and seems to help a bit '....

Review Enfamil Gentlease Lipil Powder Formula

By: ShellSort

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