subject: Collegue Students - Wanting the Best Online Business Opportunity [print this page] When graduating college the worst feeling is having to pay back huge student loan debts. If you could have worked even just on a part time basis whilst you are in college to help keep away the mountain of debt growing. Then your debt woudl not be so big! Well it is so late for us that have already graduated but for all those that are starting school or just enrolled there is no fear,as there are a ton of good money making opportunities that await you online, this is perfect for any student.
Well it might come to mind but tutoring seems the most obvoius one. Say for instance you excel in a subject, the odds are that there are many others that are struggling. But think a buit bigger as the best part with the internet is that you do not need to limit your skills to jsut your own school. Advertise on message boards for other schools. Another great way is to post your services on Craiglist for other cities and locally. Online tutoring is really huge and we all understimate it, think of selling or posting your class notes online. So if you really excel in a certain subject then put your skills to work for you, online.
EBay is another great method of making extra money for college students. All dorms can be messy and just look around. Be creative and some of the "mess" could convert into some nice money on eBay. You can also use your skills to help other students, you can help them take photos and list the items for them, not forgetting to take a nice commssion for yourself.
Be creative and another great way is to come up with a slogan or statement about campus life or even life in general. You have seen many studdents walking around campus with a funny saying on their shirt. Well you can now create your own design and then go over to and have your design put to use. Let everybody know about it and get a percentage for each sale. Do not forget to announce this on your Facebook page and Craiglist.
You are limited only by your own imagination. Designing calenders,building websites,writing blogs are just a few ways that you can make money online when at college. When studying I know that you are thinking that you will not have the time to work part time, but this does not require 8 hour day but just remember that it will help you keep the student loan debt down.
Collegue Students - Wanting the Best Online Business Opportunity
By: Pam Mare
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