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subject: Print Ads Are a Thing of the Past - Mobile Marketing Is the Future - Cash in on the Revolution [print this page]

Print Ads Are a Thing of the Past - Mobile Marketing Is the Future - Cash in on the Revolution

The days of print advertising are dwindling.

No one uses the phone book any more, people fast forward through TV commercials now, and satellite radio is ad-free.

So where does everyone go to find a business or service? The internet!

But even that isn't having the effect it once did. Most e-mail these days is just spam and the legitimate messages often get lost in the sea of unwanted ads and jokes forwarded by friends. There was once a time when getting an e-mail was exciting, but nowadays it's just a hassle. Messages are often deleted now before they are even opened because people are on the go and don't want to waste time sifting through all the rubbish.

But everywhere you go, whether it be an airport, mall, grocery store, salon, even driving down the street, everyone's eyes are glued to their cellphones. People would rather text than talk and our mobile devices are slowly taking the place of our personal computers.

This is the future of marketing.

People no longer want endless coupons and ads in their mail. It all ends up in the trash and that is bad for our environment. We want to discern the ads we see. We want them at the moment we want them, not when we are busy with other things.

Mobile marketing is the game changer and is now taking over.

With mobile, people can opt-in to the businesses channel they want to get ads from, whether it be their favorite restaurant, salon, specialty shop, or day spa. Doctors and dentists can send out health tips, notifications, and appointment reminders without making endless phone calls. With one click of a button, any business can communicate with its customers in real time.

The most valuable piece of real estate we own is the four inches of screen we hold in our hands every day. Whatever company that can dominate that market will be the leader in the future of advertising.

Business consultants are telling their clients now that in order to stay viable in today's market they need two things: a social marketing outlet and a mobile media campaign. Any business that wants to soar above the competition is going to have to master these two methods of advertising.

In short, they are going to have to go where the eyes are.

iZigg is building the largest world-wide mobile media community where busi

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Print Ads Are a Thing of the Past - Mobile Marketing Is the Future - Cash in on the Revolution

By: labarriere rotruck

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