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Advice: Seo For Your Online Business

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is not all that difficult to understand if you take the time to really learn about it, but many people feel lost because it is such a huge topic with so much information to be learned. If you are trying to get your business' website active online and want to make sure you are doing the SEO portion correctly, the following tips will help you understand what SEO is and get your campaign off on the right foot.

Keywords: The Blood of Your Campaign

The human body cannot survive without adequate amounts of fresh, properly formed blood and your SEO campaign cannot be successful without the right keywords being used in the just the right way. Just as tainted blood can destroy the body and take your life, the wrong keywords can destroy SEO results.

Before you even set up a website and especially before you select a domain name, do some keyword research and make a list of keywords that fit all of these criteria:

1. They are heavily searched by people on the search engines.

2. They are directly related to your business in some capacity.

3. They are being utilized by your biggest competitors.

When a word or phrase is extremely popular with your competitors and other online businesses you know that it gets a lot of searching action on the search engines. Similarly, the best keywords are often those that get tons of searches but which many competitors are not heavily targeting.

Keep your list because you will use it for all aspects of your SEO campaign. Your primary keyword will be incorporated into your domain name and you will need hot keywords to be featured on every page of your website. You will even use these keywords for article marketing, social media marketing, and link building.

Fresh Content: The Meat of Your Campaign

The actual content on your site is very important to SEO, but not just because you want to put your keywords in there. SEO will bring in tons of visitors to your site but it is your content that is going to actually keep them there and convert them into customers.

Think beyond written words here and incorporate video, blogs, and other interactive types of content in your site.

A well developed and designed website will be like candy to someone searching for information related to your business. Rather than finding contact information and a small amount of info on your products and services, they should be able to read informative content that answers some of their questions, eases their mind about worries and frustrations, and just gives them valuable information they can use even if they don't make a purchase or sign up for a newsletter.

Offsite Strategy: The Fat of Your Campaign

Everybody needs a bit of fat and your SEO campaign is no exception. Most people do not realize that SEO strategy extends beyond the actual website, but it does! You can't survive without a bit of fat protecting your organs, and you can't use SEO to its fullest potential without link building and exchanging information and ideas away from your website.

When you bring all of these elements together you will start to see how SEO should work on behalf of your business. You need the right keywords, fresh content, and lots of offsite strategy to be successful online today.

by: Louise Longworth

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