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Improve Your Business Sense When Marketing Your Holiday Villa

As we come to the end of the holiday season, we know the hard work is only just beginning. This is the time of year when we focus on preparing our holiday villas for the new season, and in doing so we should also thing about the best ways to market our holiday properties.

Though you may have a good agent or website that lists your holiday villa, the chances are you could well be paying more than you should be, and if that is the case then you are losing money. This is not good business.

The holiday market is extremely competitive and is seasonal. Subsequently, the chance to do business is also seasonal and thus you cannot rest on your laurels when it comes to marketing your holiday villa. Currently, you probably pay an annual fee and a commission on bookings. This is fairly standard practice in the industry. For additional exposure you are probably paying additional costs. All of this expenditure eats into your profits.

Applying the principles of good business can help you eliminate or reduce the costs.

Ask yourself these questions

Have you shopped around?

There are plenty of websites and agents willing to advertise your property. Which one offers the best price?

Have I listed my property on more than one site or with more than one agent?

Could be an option, as this gives you the chance to compare the effectiveness of both organisations.

Which site or agent provides the most inquiries?

This site will probably provide the most bookings which means they reach a greater audience.

Taking all this into account, which one provides the best overall value for money.

Business is not hard to understand once it is trimmed back to basics. Through answering and then acting on these questions, could increase your profits considerably, even though the worldwide holiday rental market place is competitive. Good luck!

Improve Your Business Sense When Marketing Your Holiday Villa

By: Richard J Teahon

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