subject: Taxi Insurance Some Basic Facts [print this page] But taxis are actually in far more danger than most other vehicles and there are two very good reasons for this.
The first is the sheer amount of time that they spend on the road each day. For the most part, the majority of us will only use our car to make short, simple trips; from home to work, from home to a friends house or from the supermarket to the school. Of course, we may go on holiday once or twice a year, but this will still result in a far lower annual mileage than your average taxi driver.
The other reason for a taxi being at greater risk is personal security. If you are picking up complete strangers all day long, then you are constantly putting yourself in danger. Of course, 99.9% of your passengers will simply want to pay the fare at the end of their journey, but there is always the chance of someone trying to snatch your takings... Obviously, when you take all of this into consideration, it is easy to understand why taxi insurance will often be more expensive than standard car cover!
If you drive a cab for a living and are searching for a low cost policy, then it is always a good idea to begin your search on the Net. Looking for cheap online taxi insurance will normally be your cheapest option and it is also the easiest way of finding out the finer details. Many insurers will have well laid-out sites with plenty of information about each of their individual policies, allowing customer to find exactly what they are after both quickly and easily.
The only other thing to bear in mind is that there may well be some exclusions attached to a policy for taxi cabs. However, this is by no means unusual as every type of insurance will have certain conditions written into the small print. These exclusions will obviously differ from one company to another, but some are pretty universal. Here are 3 of the most common ones you are likely to come across.
If a driver has a serious criminal record then he/she will normally be refused cover on the ground of them being a danger to the public.
A driver over 65 or less than 25 years of age will not be eligible for cover if they have any physical impairment.
If a taxi firm has a history of frequent collisions then they will receive less financial protection. If they have an exceptionally bad record, then insurance may be refused point blank.
Most people would say that these exclusions were fair enough. After all, an insurance company are not going to risk their reputation by agreeing to cover someone they see as being a danger on the road!
by: Jack Authors
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