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subject: Saving Money By Welding A Band Saw Blade [print this page]

Band Saw blades are susceptible to wear and tear as any other commonly used tools are. There is an option, however, rather than to buy a new band saw each time it breaks, to simply weld the saw back together. The band saw is absolutely necessary in the work environment but can become extremely pricey when having to constantly be replaced. Only if the saw is totally devastated may it be beyond repair.

As with any task there are a number of provisions required. You will need a tig welder, a good strong vice, a grinder (the smaller the better), a pair of welding gloves and visor, a degreasing agent. Take care to wear the visor and gloves at all times. Using a welding is a potential hazard and should always be done with extreme caution.

Step one is to prepare the blade as well as possible. This entails removing it from its casing, cleaning it, and weighing up its durability. Make sure it is worth it to go through with fixing it. It is better to check and make sure it can be fixed rather than having it break again after or during the process. Degrease the metal thoroughly and then wipe away with a cloth. Now the blade is prepared.

Now it is time to put one end of the saw into the vice. Once it is firmly secured, with the broken side exposed, use a grinder to smooth the break. Your ultimate goal is to make a snug fit with the other broken part of the saw. Repeat the process with the second piece and try dry fitting the pieces together to ensure they meet smoothly.

Now you will take both pieces simultaneously in the clamp. Line the up the way you want them to be welded and turn the vice until it is very tight and there is no chance of the metal slipping. Take the welder now and begin to apply it to the band. Be careful, for the metal will heat up. Keeping a safe distance make sure to do a thorough job. This is the most important part of the task and so should be treated with due respect. Be generous with the welding, getting both sides of the band.

The metal will be extremely hot after use of the welder so let it have time to cool. When you are absolutely sure it is safe to touch again you can grind down any awkward edges or seams. The break should be almost unnoticeable and the grinder should not damage the band. Finally take a cloth and wipe away any of the grime.

So that is it. That is how you can save a huge amount of money. Rather than buying totally new, you can simply weld your band saw blade back together. If the job is done properly the resultant blade should be as good and strong as new.

band saw blade welder

by: Minerva Boyd

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