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Wow I think my head just exploded multiple times. Yes that can only mean one thing. I just watched another one of Christopher Nolan's masterpieces. This masterpiece is the "Inception". I'm a little disappointed in that Nolan chose to make this movie before another Batman, having said that i'm absolutely amazed by what he has produced this time.

Dicaprio stars as a dream thief who like the title suggests goes into people's dreams and steals their secrets, however stealing secrets isn't enough for some people and Business magnate Ken Watanabe wants Dicaprio to go one step further and plant a false memory into his competitions head, played by Cillian Murphy. Everyone says that this "inception" can't be done and that it's impossible, however Dicaprio's character knows differently.

Every film Nolan makes I simply have to watch, I know that he is going to produce something different and awesome at the same time, and inception is no exception. The whole premise of inception is pretty complicated to explain in a movie review, but what I can say is that this film works in several different levels, and different tasks inside each level have to be completed for the whole inception to work.

Overall the plot is sometimes hard to follow if you don't pay attention, but those of us who are glued to their seats will understand the movie quite easily. The all star cast live up to their name and make this a summer blockbuster worth watching. The excellent CGI is an added bonus to this truly amazing movie and if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend getting yourself to the cinema right away.

Inception Movie review

By: Ricky Davies

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