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iMMAC is an exciting new name, but it's not a new company. It's the re-branding of the very successful internet marketing program founded by Gerald Van Yerxa and launched in 2008. The letters that make up this new name now better represent what this company is and does: the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center.

Is this an MLM? NO. The compensation plan only pays on two levels: the sales person and their sponsor. With this program's "matching overrides," the sponsor recieves the same amount of compensation. With iMMACC's new program, the member and their sponsor each earn a minimum of $1000 for each sale.

iMMACC Training and Mentoring:

This program provides complete and comprehensive training and mentoring. Members have access to 20-30 hours of live training per month, one on one mentoring, and to date there are around 700 hours of recorded video trainings in the back office. With this training even an internet newbie can become an internet marketing master.

iMMACC will also greatly benefit the experienced internet marketer. The program is not meant to pull you away from your existing business if you have one, but instead can help put your existing business, service or product out front, on the first pages of the search engines. No matter what niche you're in you can create multiple income streams with the marketing techniques you'll learn here.

Knowing how to market online is probably the most valuable skill a business owner can learn. If you're looking to start a successful online business or ramp up your present one, iMMACC is an excellent choice.

iMMACC Review

By: Ronalee Turner

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