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How to Create A Winning Business Idea

An idea is the bread and butter of your business. An idea is the seed of any business model and every person has their own ideas to share. Any idea is interesting but not all of them are lucrative. In the business world, your idea can make you rich if it's both great and many people can benefit from it.

Congratulate yourself for being very lucky if you have created a remarkable idea that can assist you earn thousands of money in twelve months. Only few people are gifted with this talent. There are times an idea of a college-dropout is miles better than the idea of the one with MBA.

However, even a remarkable idea can turn into a fallacy. An idea is known as a fallacy once the strategy is not performed correctly. Incorrect implementation of a business idea means breakdown and when a breakdown takes place, your investment will fall apart.

This reality is too painful to accept but this is inevitable. Any business is a theatre of war and the only key to any business meltdown is proper execution of successful and long-term ideas. You need to look around and observe what's going on around you.

The thought behind internet marketing is really amazing. Until now, it is still hard to decode the mystery behind the huge success of Yahoo!, Twitter, Google and Facebook.. It will take me days to make clear the business structure used by these websites. What I can only share to you is the three hub tips:

1) Less expensive product

A business is successful if its products are in superior quality. In the Philippines, the most popular mobile phone is Nokia primarily because of its user-open interface and its cost is within the reach of many.

2) Superior services

The following websites mentioned above has abundant good services for Internet users out there. Google is not only a giant search engine but it also has services like Gmail, AdWords, AdSense, Analytics, Docs, Earth, Maps, Talk, Translate etc. Many of the mentioned services are absolutely for free and that makes Google very popular.

3) Unique

A business is called different when among the competitors, the products can still outshine other competitors. Today, there are plentiful search engines in the Internet and I want to ask you: Can you think of reasons why Google is so different from them? Is its unique name one of the reasons?

How to Create A Winning Business Idea

By: Dean Ryan Martin

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