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Online Businesses for Beginners

Starting an online business can be very confusing and involved. Launching the website is only a small part of the puzzle. In the past, one of the most important parts of starting a business was the business plan. For the most part, this is still true for online businesses. The difference is that online businesses require a very different set of tools and techniques than traditional brick and mortar businesses. Website structure and content are critical to a proper online launches and future web traffic capabilities. For an online business, web traffic is king and usually directly linked to earning potential. Optimizing your site to maximize search engine visibility and web traffic is a very important first step. This must be considered and included in any online business plan.

So, what are some of the new tools and techniques? For the purpose of this article, let's assume that the normal business and market analysis has been completed and a viable business model and plan has been established. For an online business, content, site structure and search engine optimization are three important areas that need to be discussed. This and subsequent articles will discuss each of these areas in detail.

In brief, website content is the information contained in or on your website. Every word, picture, diagram and link is considered to be content. This is a very simple concept until you combine this with search engine optimization and traffic goals. Content defines your site's value to the user. It also directly impacts how a search engine sees your site. When creating each webpage, you must have a clear picture of what you are trying to offer and how this will be perceived by search engines. Does your content reflect your products or services correctly? Some common mistakes to avoid are:

Over populating numerous pages with duplicate keywords. This confused users and search engines.

Utilizing images to reduce html programming or text. If images are being used, make sure to utilize the "alt" tag. Search engines cannot "read" images.

Poorly used internal links with improper anchor text.

Lack of h1, h2 and h3 header text

This is a very basic and incomplete list of traps to avoid. Additional topic will be discussed in future articles.

Site structure addresses your actual website design and organization. Is your site easy to navigate? Is your architecture fairly flat or does it involve pages within pages within pages? How easy is it for search engines to identify which pages should rank for which keywords? Search engine optimization should be considered before a single line of html code is written. Each page should have a clear purpose and message. If a page does not have a clear purpose, message and apply directly to strategic keywords, consider removing it or redesigning it. The goal is to minimize the effort that users need to find what they are looking for while maximizing your keyword content. Even the placement and location of the content is important.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been mentioned quite often so far. Why do you think this is? The answer is very clear. Without search engine traffic, it is all but impossible to succeed. It is very important to consider how a search engine will view your site. Are you maximizing your keywords on each page? By this, I do not mean that you should use every keyword on every page. In fact, you should do exactly the opposite. Each page should have a keyword focus without overlapping. This ensures that a search engine will be able to quickly establish which page to rank for each keyword. There are too many facets and nuances to SEO to cover them properly in one article. In brief, utilize every credible source possible to gain visibility and recognition and visit other sites to see what they are doing to succeed. Know your media, your customers and your competitors.

Online Businesses for Beginners

By: Jody Williquette

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