subject: A Couple Of Ideas On Getting Cheap Car Insurance For Young Drivers [print this page] Due to the fact that young drivers tend to cause a great deal of problems on the road, they are charged higher rates of insurance. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you, as a young driver, need to pay such high fares, and there are certain things that you can do in order to get cheaper car insurance.
One thing that you may want to do is to simply ask your parents if you can attach yourself onto their policy. This will cause their policy to go up, but the additional price on their policy will be a lot less than if you were to simply get your own standalone policy
If you are an able to do this for whatever reason, you should start to look for insurance companies that will provide affordable car insurance specifically for young drivers. There are all sorts of insurance companies set up within every single niche and therefore you should be able to come across lots of different companies that could provide you with a decent policy.
In order to prove your responsibility it is a good idea to take a safety driving course. Safety driving courses that are affiliated with specific insurance companies will always lead to cheaper premiums. Look around for driving courses that you can take and find out from any affiliated insurance companies what sort of discount you may be able to get.
If you are still in school it is also a good idea to make sure you continue to get good grades. Getting good grades is another way of demonstrating your responsibility and the thought process suggests that if someone demonstrates responsibility in their work and in education, they are far more likely to demonstrate responsibility as a young motorist as well.
The deductible will also be important. As a young driver you probably don't want to set the deductible too high, especially if you don't have a great deal of money to cover the cost of the deductible in the event that you have an accident. However, if you can raise the deductible you will be able to lower your premiums and save money.
One final tip would be to see if you can pay for the entire balance of your account as soon as you purchase it. If you do not have the money for this right now, find out if your parents are willing to pay for you. You will then be able to pay them back at your own leisure and as such can avoid the extra charges applied when you pay monthly.
by: Max Pigford.
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