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Jeff Usner Shares On Negotiating Payouts And Cash Flow

Negotiating Payouts and Cash Flow
Negotiating Payouts and Cash Flow

This advice about negotiating payouts builds on an earlier recommendation I made about building relationships with your affiliate managers.

When you see a campaign that you like, the payout listed is the lowest possible that you can get. What you want to do is pick up the phone,

call the affiliate managers so that you can build a relationship with them. Tell them that you are planning on ramping your business up.

That's the kind of thing they want to hear. If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, you are planning to build up your business

so you will be telling the truth. Whatever your specific goals are, it's good to talk the big game. You'll get a bigger payout that way.

If you have built a good relationship with your affiliate manager and you show them that you are going places, they can give you a little

bit above the listed payout rate. For example, instead of $10, they can bump it up to $12. Then you would have made 20% more immediately.

Another thing you want to do is get weekly wires because you want to get paid as soon as possible. It's better not to have to wait 30, 60

or even 90 days to get your payout. The number one reason businesses fail is because they lack cash flow. Negotiate to get the highest payout

that you can and ask for a weekly wire transfer as quickly as you can. Some of them will do it if you get a thousand dollars a week while

some will agree to it right away.

Again, the key here is to have a good relationship with your affiliate manager. You have to ask for these things. A lot of people don't even ask.

I started off in affiliate marketing with a weekly wire very quickly. It wasn't because I had a lot of volume right away. I got that because I

talked the big game. I spoke to my affiliate managers and told them I needed to have a good cash flow in my business. Your affiliate manager will understand that as well.

The key ideas are to negotiate payouts and to get a weekly wire as quickly as possible so that you can manage your cash flow.

by: JeffUsner

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