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subject: Fleet Card Saves Your Time As Well As Money. [print this page]

These days many companies that are in a transport business have trucks and other vehicles for the delivery purpose of goods and general transport purposes. And such companies also have to refuel their vehicle every now and then. It is very sure that with the increasing prices of the fuels these companies face financial burden. Moreover not all the drivers can be trusted as there are few drivers who make extraneous purchases with the credit cards and cash that you give them to purchase fuel. The only solution to this problem is usage of a fleet card which not only saves your money but also has other benefits.

Basically, a fleet card is used to purchase fuel, giving you an opportunity of greater control over the expenses of your company. You can easily get to know how much fuel each of your vehicles consumes by tracking the diesel card purchases. The implementation process of the diesel card is very simple. There is an ID assigned to the driver which has to be entered in at the sale point prior to the dispensing of fuel. Other information such as the odometer reading is also attached which again helps in keeping a control.

The usage of a combination of the fuel that is required to fill the tank and the odometer reading ensures that no work other than the office work is being done using your office vehicle. If a fuel purchase fails to match up, you can enquire your driver about the reason for this. It is not necessary that he is guilty of attempting to take advantage of your vehicle but there is another possibility that does not employ fuel-economic methods of driving. At least you will be aware of the loss that you are going through and bring changes.

A diesel card can also be used for personal use rather than just office use. The use of this card helps you to have a smooth journey there is an extensive range of this network and you can get the tank of your vehicle filled at any point it is over. Moreover you dont have to stand in a queue to pay cash as you have this card with you. Another benefit is the discounts that you get which saves you from the rising cost of fuel.

Therefore, with the rapid increase in costs of fuel, it has become necessary to use a fleet card.

by: Brainwork

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