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subject: Bike Finance - Make Your Dreams A Reality [print this page]

Want to get hold of a new two wheeler? Need cash with out collateral? Just do not worry? bike finance helps an individual in finding easy credit option to buy new or used motor bike as per your need and financial condition. The money lender would just consider the borrowers income, employment, age, citizenship and bank account while giving an approval.

The borrower here doesnt have to provide collateral against the money that he desires. There is no need for him to place his vehicle, home, valuable documents such stock papers and so on as collateral to the money lender as the process of asset assessment is not followed here. This type of fiscal alternative is suitable for the borrowers who dont possess or dont want to place their collateral against the credit aid. The lender charges slightly higher rate of interest.

With the help of bike finance, a person can get cash that is between the range of 1000 to 25000. You can return the borrowed amount back in the comfortable tenure of 1 to 10 years. as and when you get hold of the money, you can get your hand of a bike of any make and model.

The borrowers having bad credit history and score like CCJ's, IVA, arrear, defaulters, foreclosures, bankruptcy and so on can gain easy and rapid approval. The important thing that matters is that applicant should have good repayment ability.

The online application is free from any kind paperwork. Online forms are offered by every lender through their websites. The form and application process is simple and saves a lot of time. You are only required to fill the available form. Once you submit the application form, the money lender starts the process of verification. Within the least possible duration, the borrower gets an approval and the money comes into his bank account.

by: Michael Haywood

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