subject: Orchid Cellmark Inc-deals & Alliances Report --- Aarkstore Enterprise [print this page] Orchid Cellmark Inc-Deals & Alliances Report contains the companys contact information, business summary, company details, tables, graphs and listings of the number of deals by deal category (product, technology, miscellaneous), stage of development, list of partners, deal types (licensing, marketing, etc.), top deals by deal value, partners based on technology with detailed descriptions of the partner firm where disclosed, partners based on product with detailed descriptions of the partner firm where disclosed, partners in other non-product, non-technology deals, with detailed descriptions of the partner firm and terms when available. The report also includes M&A statistics and recent partnering news updates by date.
Deals & Alliances Reports provide detail on a companys deals and deal partners. Each report contains information on size of deals, deals by therapeutic area and stage of development, product and technology.
Scope of the reports
Deals & Alliances Reports contain tables, graphs and listings on the number of deals by deal category, stage of development and by deal type within a chosen time horizon. Each report also provides value information for all major deals. Partner listings and more detailed descriptions on partner firms are also included.
Each Deals & Alliances Report also provides latest M&A statistics and latest partnering news releases.
By pairing this intelligence with contact information, business summaries and company details, the Deals & Alliances Reports offer a complete view of companys partnering deals within the industry. Technology deals and product deals are broken out and graphical representation for all deal types from research collaborations to co-marketing, supply agreements, letters of intent, and joint ventures are included in every report.
Miscellaneous deals are broken down into nearly 30 deal types. Product deals are listed by therapeutic category and stage of development as well as by investment and deal type.
Key benefits
* Stay ahead of the competition by understanding their deals and partner networks.
* Identify partnership targets by assessing the latest intelligence on a companys deals and partner network.
* Gain insight into a companys licensing and acquisition activity relative to its in house discovery.
* Expand understanding of key external drivers of M&A activity within the market.