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subject: How Can You Make Your Business Card Pass The Trash Test? [print this page]

How Can You Make Your Business Card Pass The Trash Test?

As the saying goes, first impression is the last impression, this is very important aspect in business. A marketer endeavors to create an everlasting impression on a customers mind. A businessperson strives to allure a customer towards the business through all possible means and ways. A professional card is one of such ways and means that enables a customer to promote the business of an organization among the potential customers.

You should have a thorough knowledge about the way your business card can pass the trash test. It should be designed in a manner so that it can easily convey the message of a company. The message design is one of the factors considered while creating a professionally designed business card. Consider the layout, shape and size of a professional card. Create a layout that best matches with your situation. The shape and size of a card should not appear awkward in appearance. The size of the card should be such that one can easily carry in the pocket or put it in a card holder. The shape of a professional card is the one that can throw light on the nature of business of an enterprise. The next step is to check the quality of the colors printed on a card. The printing ink should not be smudged that might not leave a favorable impression on the mind of a prospective customer. Dip the card in the water and see if the ink does not spread. If you are successful at this, then it means that you have passed the second trash test. Another point is to check whether the images are suitable and matching your profession. The images reveal the graphics or images on a printed professional card. They reveal the nature of your profession, the core spirit and philosophy of your business. Check and cross check the contact information while sending a professional card to the prospective customer.

by: Edgar Paul

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