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Learn How To Start A Window Cleaning Business Off Right

A lot of people dream about starting their own business. A good way to get in the habit of owning your own business and how to manage profit, loss and deal with customer service and marketing you can start a business cleaning windows. If you want to learn how to start a window cleaning business here are a few tips.

Consider what time you have to spend working. If you have an hour every day, do not take on too many jobs. If you are only going to work on Saturdays don't take on jobs that want you to come Wednesday. I think you get the point. Be realistic in your time and other's expectations.

Consider your location and the weather. If you live where it rains a lot can you clean windows inside? If you live where you have to drive to your clients can you get there dependably? These are serious questions you need to ask yourself.

What is your pricing going to be? You will need to know in advance to when people ask you can have a sound answer. Check with other window cleaning services in your area and price accordingly. Don't price yourself out of business by charging too much but don't wash away your profits either.

Hone your people skills and always act professional. It goes a long way when you are always courteous to others. Never be rude, even when someone is being rude to you. You will be appreciated and respected as a business owner that knows how to deal with people. The saying you catch more flies with honey than vinegar has a lot of truth to it.

If you are ready to expand ask your current customers to recommend you. Ask them if they can be references for your hard work. Make flyers and give special offers for a first time service or recommendation. Make yourself some business cards and have them readily available.

These are the basics for a successful business. With hard work and dedication you can have a successful business at any age. Expand the entrepreneur in you and get started on planning your own successful business with these helpful tips for your new venture.

by: Charlotte Buckley

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