subject: An Impartial View of Global Theology [print this page] The debate on global theology The debate on global theology
We recognize that it is almost impossible to get an impartial view on the issue of global theology. This is because the people that have been working on this issue are determined to find the means to present their own religious learning in a format that is acceptable to the general public. The dilemma is whether to completely dismiss their arguments or to allow for some compromise. If you belong to a certain religion then you will view the global theology issues within the prism of your religious teaching and understanding. It is very hard to argue otherwise. We also have to consider the fact that many people that are in the process of analyzing religion tend to mix tradition and religion. This is a toxic recipe that almost always destroys rational thought. Christians do not have to take on the Hebrew traditions because they are separate. In practice it is very hard to enforce this sort of discipline. The libertarians might also wonder whether it is really desirable to enforce the issues of global theology within the structures of impartiality. That is almost bordering on intolerance.
Making the case for global theology
Who has been making the case for global theology? It seems that this issue has been owned by the ecumenical spirit in the hope that we can avoid religious conflict and the other peripheral issues that seem to be diving people these days. It is difficult to see whether the ecumenical spirit will be able to solve the issues in the Middle East using the global theology. On the other hand you have the religious right in the USA which is determined to protect its interpretation of scripture to the exclusion of any alternative thought. There was a telling program about the so called faith tours to the Holy Land. Some American tourists had gone to see what was happening in the settlements. One of the ladies then commented that she did not want to see Palestinian children until they became Christians. Such attitudes mean that it is highly unlikely that the concept of global theology is going to take hold in a serious way. We then have the religious pluralism that has been implemented in Western communities as a response to the shocking bigotry against minorities. One would think that this will form the basis of global theology. However there is a big world between the policies enacted by the government and the actual practices of individual people. If there is an attempt to impose a politically correct version of faith then the conservatives will be up in arms. Therefore religious pluralism is a dream rather than an achievement. We then have the atheist movement that people mistakenly consider to be benign. Being an atheist is not a neutral position. In fact we have many examples of atheists that have been able to promote their agenda quite effectively. For them the idea of global theology might be yet another indicator that the Church is beginning to encroach on the State.
The religious leaders that we have today are wholly inadequate when it comes to championing the cause of global theology. Many of them are sitting on shocking scandals and they have actively participated in years of prejudice. Their appeal is limited to their congregation and any attempts at ecumenical spirits are thwarted by the conservatives. Likewise the liberals are determined to change the organized religions in such a way that they hold no distinction form the life of atheists. Some of the most intolerant people in religious matters are the so called liberals. You cannot espouse conservative teaching in their midst without repercussions. At the moment the liberals seem to be happy to accept global theology as long as it is slanted to their side. If there is any hint that the Taliban might join forces with the Christian right then they will be up in arms.
That then leaves the academics and philosophers to espouse the traditions of global theology. That is a challenge that they relish but there has been some disquiet that these people might take an elitist approach to their work. On one hand you will have the so called yokels practicing ancient customs in primitive submission while on the other you have the educated few trying to rescue them from ignorance. That is clearly not a structure that is beneficial to the cause of global theology. There is also another interesting point in as much as these academicians do not really understand the issues that are laid before them in faith based structure. It is very hard to convince an atheist professor that God made the earth in six days. It just does not make sense to them in the way that it will make sense to a committed Christian.
The political ramifications of global theology
Politicians are interested in the general idea of global theology. They have different motives for thinking the way that they do. First of all it might be advantageous to use the movement to control a large section of the international community. On the other hand they might see that the concept of global theology will give them a vacancy in leadership. Thus you have the evangelistic leader with political powers and yet a contradictory ambivalence to atheism. I can think of a few people that have tried this trick. It has worked for some time until the people have discovered that they are nothing more than cheap frauds.
On a practical basis the use of global theology can be a foundation for understanding between different religions. If all parties are committed to this then we will not have the spectacle of ignorant politicians wading into religious arguments without a clue as to what has been discussed. We will also avoid the pernicious presence of the conservative and liberal fascists that insist that we must all live their lifestyle. That is a utopian dream that we can all rally around. It remains to be seen whether it will see the light of the day.
An Impartial View of Global Theology
By: WritingMood
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