subject: Payday Loans offer a Helping Hand When You Need Cash Before Payday [print this page] However good you may be with money, there may be times in life when you just need a little extra. This may be during the Christmas holidays to buy your loved one that present they have been looking at for a while, a much needed holiday or some unexpected bills such as home or car repairs. If you, like many others over the years, have required a little extra cash, then you can turn to the great deals on fast cash loans that are available on the market nowadays.
Even if you pride yourself on being good with money and you budget your outgoings and income each month, you may find yourself in some financial trouble if you are unable to pay off some unexpected bills or just need some extra cash. Payday loans have been on the market for many years and although you can find some lenders on the highstreet, you may find it easier to use an online payday loan lender, where you can fill in an online application form quickly and discreetly.
Payday loans work like a cash advance on your salary but without the often uncomfortable discussion with the head of Finance about asking for one. If approved, you can receive the loan that very same day and simply pay back the amount borrowed upon receipt of your next monthly wage. Unlike traditional, longer term loans there is no long term agreement to enter into and as long as you meet the criteria set out by the lender and pass the necessary checks, you will be eligible for a payday loan.
The criteria depends on the individual lender but there are general criteria that all customers must meet which are; you must be 18 years or older, be a UK resident (any nationality is allowed but you must be residing in the UK), be in full time employment and have a bank account that your wages are paid into along with a debit card for the account.
There will be no questions about what the loan is for but you must remember to borrow sensibly as you will have to pay the money back with interest. Payday loans are designed to help out those with short term financial problems so if your need is long term then you ought to seek alternative loans that will be better suited to your needs.