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subject: A good Limewire Review [print this page]

Everyone is familiar with Limewire which is considered by many of the internet users to be some of the best software of its kind today. The popularity of the program is due to the fact that it has a clean and crisp interface and it is just straight to the point when it comes to searching all of your favorite files. Since it was launched as a replacer for Napster, it has become the most popular Gnutella client and many people are using it because they find it to be way better.

And yes, the 4.1 version has brought a lot of changes with it and the first thing that was targeted by the developers was the interface. Now it looks clearer, crisper and you will be able to find your way around it much faster, even if you are a computer noob. Because this is a file exchanging software, the developers tried to make it as easy as possible when it comes to operate it and get your job done.

One thing that people will find to be just a great bonus about it, is that it was written 100% in Java. This means that it doesn't really matter what kind of operating system are you using, be it Windows, UNIX, Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, etc, you will be able to run it no problem.

But even though it has this massive advantage, you will need to make sure that your computer has java installed and that you have the latest version of it. Also, be in on the fact that the program can be a resource hog at times.

Most p2p programs nowadays are just filled with adware, spyware and many ads. This is not the case when we are talking about Limewire. You will never be disturbed or annoyed by anything close to that when you will be looking for your favorite music or movie files.

The latest version of the popular p2p program has really changed a lot of things and one thing that has been added and seems to become very adored by users, is downloading from multiple sources. This means that you will be able to have your search returned faster and your files will also download faster than before.

The contents that you can search for include Programs, Audio, Video, Images, Documents. Because it doesn't have any spyware or adware, Limevire is considered as one of the best p2p programs on the market today.

If you want to learn more about limewire, make sure that you visit us: limevire

A good Limewire Review

By: Richard Trott

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