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Residual Income Marketing Tips For Online Business Services

If you want to work from home while building wealth, then find ways to earn residual income. One way to make residual income is to promote online business solutions such as website hosting and domain name services, Web design and online marketing services. It's easy and affordable to become a reseller for these services; however, signing up and promoting your online business are two different things.

An important thing to remember is it will take the same amount of marketing effort to gain a brand new, one-time customer as it would to gain an ongoing, residual customer. The one-time customer buys your product once and doesn't come back until he needs the service or product again. The residual customer, however, buys your services and agrees to pay a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee for as long as he needs the service.

With online business services such as hosting, design, etc. you can earn residual income from almost every single customer! Why is this possible? Web business owners need these services to keep their business up and running. They need a dependable company they can count on so their website will remain online as much as possible, without hassles. If you are the reseller providing these valuable services, they you can help customers reach their goals while also building wealth and financial independence for yourself.

How to Promote for Residual Income

As a reseller, you'll be able to focus much of your attention on promotions. This is to your advantage because many business owners get so bogged down in daily operations that they don't have time for marketing. The first step is to gear all your promotions toward online business owners that might be changing over to a new host or designer as well as new business start-ups. You can also promote to those who are just "thinking" about starting an online business. These groups can easily be reached through keyword targeting. But be careful when selecting keywords. Find keywords that have a good bit of searches monthly but very little competition. You'll likely start with base keywords such as hosting, web design, online business beginner tips, new Internet business, web development, affordable web hosting, etc. There are marketing tools to help you find more targeted, less competitive keywords and/or phrases.

Once you narrow your search to some potentially good keywords, write content about these keywords. Include content on your own Web site as well as in article directories. Article directories will give you a link back to your site as well as send some traffic to your site. They are free to use and can become a valuable source of traffic.

Another way to gain new traffic with keywords is through targeted PPC (pay per click) search engine campaigns. Google and Yahoo! offer these services at affordable bidding, and you can start with just $50 to $100! You can also try classified ads in local newspapers and online, banner ads on websites that cater to new business startups, and e-zine ads.

Reach Out to Visitors

Once you start receiving traffic to your site, you'll need a way to communicate with visitors. This can easily be done through an online newsletter. There are many services online that enable you to grab subscribers (the legal way) and send your e-zine out to thousands of subscribers without penalty. Make sure the service offers a double opt-in system in which visitors have to confirm their subscription by e-mail. This will protect your business and reduce spam complaints.

In the e-zine you can offer free tips, include classified ads about your services and others, and ask for input from visitors. It's a great way to keep in touch and build a reputation among potential clients. You should also consider adding a blog to your site. A blog is interactive and can be updated by you on a daily or weekly basis. Search engines tend to prefer blogs as well, so you'll get a two-fold benefit!

When you start getting satisfied customers, don't be afraid to ask for referrals. Referrals can be a powerful source of new business. You might even offer an affiliate program for others to earn money while sending you new customers.

The key to successful online business marketing is to be consistent. Start a schedule to promote your site each day of the week. You might only spend a few hours on promotions per day, but consistency is what will ultimately bring in the

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Residual Income Marketing Tips For Online Business Services

By: fulliton hoyos

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