subject: Marketing Your Business - Why You Must Market Yourself and Your Business Every Day to Ensure Growth [print this page] Marketing is the most important activity you can do for any business. Most people do not understand much about marketing, so it is worth your time to learn how to do this effectively to grow your business. Whether you are working online or have a brick and mortar business, spend time every day to let people know what you do and how it can help them to achieve their goals or solve their problem.
I define marketing as the art of pulling focus from your target market and ideal clients to what you are doing that can serve their perceived needs. This means that you must get your message in front of people as often as possible, letting them know what you have to offer that can be interpreted as what they want. People buy what they want and justify it by convincing themselves it serves their need, even if this just a perception on their part.
Make a list of everything you can do to market to your prospects. This may include blogging, article marketing, audio recordings, video marketing, social networking, press releases, and more. The list is almost endless when you think of everything you can do to get your information out to the world. After a period of time you will not even think of it as marketing. Instead, you will just fit it into your work day.
Schedule time for yourself each week to increase your business's visibility. Marketing should take up more than half of the hours you spend in your business. And do not stop when business is good. Continue to do something every day and your business will flourish.
Now Pay Close Attention --
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