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subject: How to Properly Monetize a Blog so that you Can make A lot of Cash! [print this page]

How to Properly Monetize a Blog so that you Can make A lot of Cash!

Are you sick of having a blog that does not make any money? Do you want to have a blog that makes enough to pay your car payment, utility bills, house payment, and more each month? Most people with blogs do not know how to properly monetize a blog and you are about to learn how to do so with three different options. Here are some ways you can monetize your blog.

1. Google Adsense

When it comes to making money from a blog one of the best ways is to use Google Adsense. Sure it will take you a week to get approved and you will need to submit your blog as your website, but once you are approved all you have to do is display ads on your blog and if someone clicks on them you make money. This is easy, fast, and it works.

2. Amazon Associates Program

Another way to monetize a blog is to use Amazon. This is, of course, a marketplace with all types of goods that can be purchased. You can use it to make money from your blog by including text links in the content of your blog. If you use this is very easy to do as it is integrated right into the system. You can make a lot of money with the Amazon Associates Program.

3. Clickbank

Another way to monetize a blog is to use clickbank. This is a place that has over 10,000 products that are digital and are in the ebook form. These are great information products and if you can find a product that fits with your blog you can change keywords into links. When someone clicks on the link and purchases the product you are promoting you will get paid a commission. This is a great way to make money from your blog.

How to Properly Monetize a Blog so that you Can make A lot of Cash!

By: B. R. Ehinger

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