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subject: Instant Cash Advance-get Adequate Funds [print this page]

Instant Cash Advance-get Adequate Funds

If you require immediate finance for your expenses, and if you cannot wait for your next salary, then in such cases, instant cash advances provide you with adequate funds. They give you finance before your next salary day therefore; you need not worry about your pending expenses.

Expenses incurred for medical bills, utility bills, credit card dues, outstanding bills, hospital bills, light bills, telephone bills can be required by you at any point of time. Hence, they solve your monetary expenditures. You can also settle your urgent wants.

The amount here ranges from 80 to 1500. As they are minute expenses, the repayment period is also for a small span of time which ranges from 1 to 30 days.

The eligibility criteria includes a person having a citizenship of UK apart from being 18 years of age or above, who has a fixed job on the regular basis with good source of income and has a valid bank account.

In this scheme, as the name suggests, you get quick money. With this help, it becomes easy for you to apply for this scheme without any hesitation. The borrower is benefited with the advantage that people with both good and bad credit history can avail this scheme.

The borrower here is charged with a high rate of interest. Hence, he must keep in mind to repay the amount within the given time. If he fails to repay then he may be liable for supplementary fees.

You can also use the online method. Here you do not have to stand in long queues or give any documents or any paper work. The applicant is only required to fill an online form, and has to wait for the amount to be sanctioned; the approved amount will be electronically transferred to the bank account of the borrower.

by: Gary Sobars

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