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Proven Nlp Techniques For Your Business

NLP techniques is a common by-word among successful professionals and businessmen around the world today. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, commonly known as NLP uses major factors that influence the creation of human experience - neurology, programming, and language.

NLP may be considered as analysis of the extraordinary talent. It delves into the conscious and unconscious processes which allows individuals to do what they do and demonstrates how our personal successes can be comprehended and modeled so the success can be repeated again. In short, NLP methods are often used by successful individuals in both their personal and professional life.

Always Be Closing (ABC)

This is something that's taken into heart by every good salesperson out there. Not only are NLP techniques useful in a professional setting, but this is useful in just about any circumstance where persuasion is involved.

When you are always "closing the deal," this means you are constantly assuming a "yes" from the person you are trying to convince. Let's say you wanted to sell a car to someone. You might tell him, "would you like to buy this car?" The problem with that is, you're giving him a chance to say no. Instead, you can tell him, "I got a car you might be interested in. Can you make it this Saturday at two-thirty so I can have it ready for you to test-drive?"

Emphasize Your Words

Give emphasis on words that the other person would like to hear. Pause before every embedded command. An embedded command is what you use to assume a "yes" from the other person, as detailed earlier. The embedded commands used in the example earlier is "meet up this Friday" and "seven-thirty." Always pause before making those embedded commands and emphasize them using your tone of voice.

Go Down Instead Of Up

When you try to tell someone to do something, you don't sound as though you are asking them a question. When you ask your kids to behave, you don't ask permission for them to do it, you just tell it as it is. Voice pitching and fluctuation determines whether someone will listen to you or not. Take control and end your sentences with a period, even when you are asking a question! Your voice should always go downwards, not upwards, so as to sound more confident and sure of yourself.

Use Body Language

Maintain good eye contact. If you keep looking at the sky people might think you don't know what you're talking about or are cooking up something back there, so they won't believe you. During a conversation a person can become bored or distracted so every time you emphasize on important words, use positive hand gestures and facial expressions to keep the conversation more upbeat.

Have The Right Attitude

Developing the right attitude is perhaps the most important NLP technique to master. Regardless of how bad your day was, if you have to do the job you've got to be in tune for that day. The trick here is to visualize something positive. Visualize the future that you want. Once you feel better, your attitude will really show in your voice and body language.

by: Chloe Cassidy

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