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subject: Can bad plumbing hurt your business? [print this page]

Can bad plumbing hurt your business?

Everything wears out eventually, when was the last time you had your plumbing checked?

It is not just a case of leaky taps or the boiler making strange noises. In a commercial environment, especially if your clients visits your premises, bad plumbing can cost you business.

Leaks, especially in the wash room areas are not just making a place look unclean, they smell. The trouble is you may not notice. If you are going to work, day to day and because this is a gradual thing, you will simply get used to it. You need to take a walk around you premises with a fresh eye and more importantly take someone with you that has a fresh nose!

In a business environment this is the sort of general uncleanliness that builds up over time. It can not only just be embarrassing, it can actually causes you loss in business. Just put yourself in your visiting clients shoes and ask yourself how does the general state of you plumbing reflect on you?It does not matter how clean your wash rooms are, if there are leaks there will be smells. What would you think if you visited a business that had "let things slip". It certainly shows a lack of management, even a lack of awareness.

The thing is, this is not a major problem to solve, that is unless you have really let things get out of hand. This is not rocket science, the answer is simple and that is to arrange a regular maintenance inspection. Ask for a local plumber to come around on a regular basis to inspect your commercial premises. In the long run, this will also save you money, as small jobs can be done and defective parts replaced before they grow into bigger problems.

So, the next management decision you have to make is how to choose the plumber. Do not be afraid to ask around, even ask your competitors for recommendations. Next, you should interview the plumber as you would any other person you have working for you. Apart from checking references, qualifications, and they have the relevant licences to practice, you need to make sure that the plumber courteous and presentable. This is especially necessary if they are to come in contact with with other members of your staff and clients in the course of their work, while they are maintaining your premises.

They may also be some positive things that your plumber can advise you on to reduce your outgoings. A simple green measure you can take is to insulate any hot pipes. Not many people realise how much energy is waste through heat loss. Just think how far the hot water travels before it comes to your tap. Even something as simple as insulating your pipes will significantly reduce your heating bill.

I f you have an old hot water heater, have it replaced. The newer ones are much more efficient and cost effective to run. It is a fairly simple project to have done and can save you money in the long run.

As to the system itself you would be advised to change over to some sort of Hot water on demand system. This will mean that you will have water when you need it but will not have to continue to pay for all that hot water you used have sitting in your pipes. Plus you will not be running water down the drain anymore, while waiting for the hot water to arrive at your tap. This will not only save you money but allow you to cut down on your water usage. Very useful if you are paying commercial rates for your water.

Even though there is an initial cost involved, you will have the extra kudos of going green and the changes will make a significant change in your running costs and overall presentation of your business to outsiders, workers and clients.

Can bad plumbing hurt your business?

By: David Greenjack

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