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subject: The ultimate martial arts business website part two [print this page]

The ultimate martial arts business website part two

The purpose of your martial arts website is to gain a new client.

In order to gain a new client you have a get a prospect to see your site and then and most importantly be inspired by what they see to take some form of action.

We call this a call to action, a reason for someone to take action right now.

Here are some of the best terms and phrases you should be using on your website to get the best results.

The word free, free trial, free taster session, free month trial has out performed any other kind of action we have tested.

Free is one of the most powerful words ever used in selling anything, and so it should very visable to anyone who comes to the site.

The best preforming offer we have used to date is thirty day free trial, one month of martial arts tuition for free.

Some instructors may feel a little reluctant to offer the same length of trial but this is easily overcome by giving the customer a great discount if they decide to enroll today in your school.

We have complete scripts as well as a presentation you can follow at martial arts busness website

If your customer does decide to take advantage of the trial then at least you have thirty full days for them to really see what your program is about.

I highly reccomend you have some sort of belt promotion or some kind of reward at the thirty day mark for all new students who make it through their first thirty days at your school.

Remember creating a habit is one of the hardest things to if they make it past the first thirty days they are several times more likely to make it to become a high ranking student in your school.

So in summary make sure you offer something free that your propsects who come to your martial arts website for free and have it cleary visable.

In part three I will be going into detail about the best kind of graphics and pictures you should be using on your site so that you can gain over a hundred leads a month like some of our clients.

The ultimate martial arts business website part two

By: Leigh Childs

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