subject: Thinking About Purchasing Auto Insurance? [print this page] Are you in the process of buying a vehicle? Planning on switching your auto insurance to another company? Know a family member or friend that is looking to purchase auto insurance? Or, maybe you're thinking about buying auto insurance for yourself? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you may want to consider these tips before purchasing vehicle insurance:
Tip One:
Review your driving history for any prior tickets you may have by securing a copy of your driving record via your local department of motor vehicles. Keep in mind that when you apply for auto insurance your driving record will be reviewed by your prospective insurance carrier. In addition, in many instances your credit report will be reviewed as well. After this information is checked by the insurance company a determination will be made as to whether or not they will insure you and if so, you will be advised of the amount for your insurance premium.
Tip Two:
Shop around and compare vehicle insurance rates from different companies. You may want to also ask your family or friends for a recommendation concerning their auto insurance companies.
Check to see if the insurance company offers discounts such as; multi car discount, good driving record discount, non smoker discount, good grade discount for a student, and any other discounts while you're shopping around for vehicle insurance.
Tip Three:
Consider getting higher deductibles for your collision and comprehensive coverages in order to reduce your overall vehicle insurance rate.
If you have an older vehicle you may want to consider eliminating collision and comprehensive coverage for that vehicle and only carry liability insurance coverage as required by your state. Talk to your insurance company concerning the best options for your insurance needs in reference to vehicle coverages.
Tip Four:
Many auto insurance companies offer the following options to pay your insurance: monthly, semi-monthly, quarterly and annually. Discuss with your insurance carrier the payment option that best fits your needs and budget.
Tip Five:
Once you've decided on an auto insurance company make sure to read your entire policy to ensure that you have the insurance coverage that you need for your vehicle. In addition, make sure that you understand your policy after reading it and if you do not understand your insurance policy, consider discussing your concerns or questions with your insurance company before you sign your documents.
You do not want any surprises later on down the line if you happen to have a vehicle accident and find out that coverage you thought you had via your policy you do not have at all. So, read your policy in full and make sure you understand the vehicle coverages you have before you take that important leap of getting vehicle insurance, you'll be glad you did in the long run.
Tip Six:
Be sure to maintain a good driving record and credit history. It is noted that the majority of insurance companies review this information especially at the time your policy is up for renewal to determine if you are still insurable and if so the amount of money you will be paying for your insurance.
As you research vehicle insurance companies to determine the company that will fit your needs, you may want to consider using some of these tips to assist you with your quest in selecting the insurance company that is right for you.
by: Nocita Carter
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