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subject: Lego Set Review: LEGO Ultimate Building Set 6166 [print this page]

Lego is a brand that is rare in the toy industry. It is a basic concept, based on simple building blocks that join together that not only lasts for decades (both in its physical durability but in its ability to engage kids of all ages) that teaches as well as entertains. Parents would be hard pressed to find a better toy to offer children from an early age.

There are many Lego sets on the market but not all would be the ideal choice for a first set to start a child off in this popular building toy. Enter the Ultimate Building Set (6166) which seems the perfect starter set for a child over the age of four or an older child who takes an interest in Lego.

Why is this particular set so good? It is a combination of factors, from the practical to the fun.

Firstly, the Ultimate Building Set comes in a sturdy plastic container to store all the bit and pieces after play. One thing about Lego, if left uncontained it can spread all over the house and into the garden. It's as if it has a mind and will of its own. By starting a child off with Lego that comes in a box, you are teaching them good habits that will last for years. There is also alot of room in the box for kids to store their creations and see them through the clear plastic lid as well as the loose pieces.

In this plastic container are all that is required to create a range of models, big and small. The set includes a small booklet that contains both pictures for inspiration and instructions for building models. In regards to the pieces there are a number of essentials including a base plate for building on, wheels and windows to add to houses and vehicles as well as a minfigure to interact with child's creations. There are of course lots of bricks, almost 400 of them including all shapes and colors which kids can use to create just about anything.

Lastly, this collection stands well on its own but by combining it with a small specialty set can enhance the level of enjoyment your child can enjoy from their Lego and it will be the start of a fun and educational journey.

Lego Set Review: LEGO Ultimate Building Set 6166

By: Inger Fountain

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