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Rhinoceros Success in Your Online Business

Have you ever heard of the book Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander from your network in your online business? I was referred to it from an internet marketer making 7 figures. He is exactly where I want to be, so the smart thing to do is to model yourself after them.

Working from home is fantastic, you have all the benefits of the flexible schedule, making your desired income and without naming a huge long list, it is all about living the American Dream.

Home Business Disconnect

One of the aspects people struggle with is the disconnect. You don't go into a work place where you have a boss looking over your shoulder making sure you get everything done. If you were the boss, you don't have employees counting on you and making sure you're present.

Model Yourself After A Rhino

Rhinoceros Success goes into how you should model yourself like a rhino instead of a cow. Cows tend to be lazy and unmotivated. Don't get a whole lot of anything done, whereas rhinos are constantly charging toward the finish line to obtain all goals.

This is a great mentality to have as you are working alone in your house with no one to really hold you accountable.

If you want to be like a rhinoceros, you have to consistently work at it. One strategy is to write down on a notecard:

I am a rhinoceros and I have tons of energy and can't wait to get up in the morning and start charging.

On a second card, write:

I am a successful owner of an online business for rhinoceroses which opens May 9th.

Its important that you state it as though you already accomplished it. Read both of these out loud, morning and before bed. Say it with meaning and belief.

After 21 Days...

The first few times might feel silly, but after 21 days, you will be a motivated rhinoceros! Charge!

I highly recommend the book Rhinoceros Success for your online business as well as other businesses. It was good enough for a 7 figure earner, so its good enough for me!

When doing just about everything in life, you have to hav

Now Pay Close Attention --

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So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it's too late!

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Rhinoceros Success in Your Online Business

By: chroman bier

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