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Economical Printers For Your Business

People underestimate the importance of printer in the gadget world. They are mostly found in offices and hence considered quite boring. However, the tech enthusiasts should look at printers with some more enthusiasm since there are quite a lot of printers offered in the market with different types. Which one is the perfect for you? Laser printer which costs high and takes zippy prints? Or ink jet printers which are low on running cost but slow on prints. I have had a lot of printers in my labs for review and have written quite a lot of inkjet and laser printer reviews. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about them.

One of the best printers I have ever tested is the Lexmark Impact S305. The printer has a comprehensive collection of driver features. In fact, it is one of the best ones I have ever seen as a reviewer. Also, it is really easy to pair this printer wirelessly with the laptop. It took me just five seconds to get things going in my lab. All I did was go through the manual and did what it told me. I had no problems what so ever and connection was established instantly. If you are someone who lacks patience, then you will love this printer. Lexmark Impact S305 has excellent printing speeds. You wont have to wait too long for printing your documents.

Lexmark Impact S305 does come with a few flaws though. I was disappointed to see that the device doesnt have an autodocument feeder. You will have to stand close to the device while printing your jobs. The printers LCD screen is also a bit small and you will have to strain your eyes to see all the details. Cost of this printer is $99 and at such a low cost, it is easy to forgive the drawbacks that it has. I would recommend this printer for the excellent value for money that it has to offer. There is no autodocument feeder here, so be wary of that.

HP OfficeJet Pro K850 printer is also a good solution to your printing needs. This printer is very costly at $400 but then, it is not made for home use. This office oriented device became one of my favorites because of the great text quality. The running cost of the printer too is really low. Finally, this printer offers 24-7 tech support so you can get in touch with the tech representatives anytime if you have any problems with the printer. I always mention this printer while writing about the best laser printer reviews.

The prints speeds of HP OfficeJet Pro K850 printer are a bit slow (but remember the quality is excellent, the printer is taking its time to give you the best prints). I wont recommend this device to you if you love taking a lot of photo prints. The photo quality is poor but that hardly matters in an office printer. This printer is made for offices who need to take lots of high quality prints. But if you want a printer for home use, look elsewhere.

by: tanmay

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