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subject: An overview of basic financial betting [print this page]

In sports betting, there are a lot of ways to bet on a given match for big football matches such as the Champions League final, some bookies offer upwards of 100 unique bets. But the most basic bet, available for all matches and one that anyone can understand, is a simple bet on which team will win the match.

A similar concept applies to financial betting. Although there are many different bet types available, the most basic one is a simple bet on whether the market will rise or fall. This is the one bet that you must master in order to become a successful financial bettor.

The bet works pretty much as you think. You choose a market, a duration (or time frame) and choose whether the market will rise or fall during over that time. Choose right, you win.

At Crushabet, we like to also refer to this bet as the "coin-flip" bet, because that is fairly accurate way to describe it over the relatively short time-periods that these bets cover (days, hours or minutes) the chance of a given market rising or falling is usually approximates 50/50 - as with a coin flip (note the reason why this is so will be covered in a separate and more technical posting. For now just try to take our word for it).

Now most people realize that the only way you can make money on a real coin flip is by getting lucky. If you were to flip a coin 100 times and call "heads" each time, you would have a 54% chance being right 50 or more times (eg at least breaking even). You would have only an 18% chance of being right 55 times (a 5% ROI). You would only have a 3% chance of being right 60 times (a 10% ROI). You would have a ~0% chance of being right 70 times.

So any time you are betting on something that has a near 50/50 outcome, you need to do two things. First, make sure that any commissions you will pay on winnings are as low as possible. And second, try to find bets that are not actually 50/50 but instead are something like 52/48 and then take advantage of this "mis-pricing". Those that have read other postings will recognize this as the Crushabet method.

We'll get into more details on this in later articles, plus start to highlight specific bets that meet these criteria. But in the meantime, know this "rise or fall" bets are basically a coin-flip where you need to carefully look for small advantages and take them.

An overview of basic financial betting

By: Crushabet

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