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subject: Conversational Hypnosis Is Your Business [print this page]

Conversational Hypnosis Is Your Business

Surely you've heard of subliminal advertising practices, where business had been accused of being unethical because they somehow convince the general public to prefer their product above all else. While it's still up in the air as to it being a legit or even a real business practice, you can use conversational hypnosis techniques to help you grow your business, motivate your workforce, and add lots of zeroes to your income.

First of all, use these techniques inside your company. Manage your employees more effectively and create people that are completely motivated to growing your business while maintaining harmony within the group. After all, they are more effectively used as a team and not as disparate elements competing against each other, right?

When having corporate meetings, do you notice that it's 20% business topics and 80% of everything else? While engaging in the latest gossip is indeed interesting, it's not something that belongs in the boardroom. Use the techniques to keep everyone concentrated on the topic at hand - building your business.

In that regard, you can build a formidable sales force and marketing arm with the use of these techniques. Be careful not to overdo it or you'll get a reputation for sleazy salesmen. But packaged carefully, your marketing people and materials will be pulling more and more customers in. Plus, you'll have less problems with your clients themselves while increasing your sales. Imagine what a well-trained after-sales service staff can do for your company! It's been well-documented that how a client is treated after they purchase a product, especially how well a problem or query has been solved, will just about guarantee that they will be loyal and buy from you again and again. And nothing invented has yet to beat word of mouth advertising, so you win on all counts.

That loyal clientele and formidable sales force will be able to decimate your competition without even a hint of negative advertising. All it took was for you to do your best and then more. When it comes to inter-corporate relations, these techniques are priceless. You can negotiate to your benefit, while convincing others that your solution (which has become their solution) is what is best for them.

This self-confidence and persuasiveness is what wins people over during sales presentations. Just the right phrases and body language in the proper place will convince people that you're the best thing since sliced bread then take out their wallets to buy or their pens to sign your contract.

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

by: Nick Clipton

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