subject: USFreeAds - You Can Make Money Now [print this page] Do you want to make money online, but don't have a website?
No website - No problem
You know all about classified ads in newspapers. You've probably found an apartment to rent through a newspaper and you may have even bought or sold items in the classified section of your newspaper.
Online, classified ads are also very effective. Thousands of people all over the country visit online classified ads everyday - all looking to buy.
Since 1999, USFreeAds have offered one of the very best online classified ad market places.
The big question
What can you sell? Empty out your garage?
You can sell a product you own or, you can join an affiliate marketing program and start getting commission checks for selling their products. Now for the good news.
With Internet based affiliate programs, you're selling products you never see, to people you never meet. You don't have any product inventory, you don't ship anything and you don't get involved in the payment process. But you get paid a commission on every purchase made from your ad.
Wait a minute
I just described an almost totally passive way to make money online. I say almost because you do have to write a classified ad. You can do that.
Hundreds of companies including big, well known companies have online affiliate programs.
Here's some good news
It doesn't cost a thing to join an affiliate program.
Now back to USFreeAds. There are 3 levels of classified ad accounts - Basic, Gold and Premium. I won't go into details here, but you'll discover a link at the end of this article that will give all the details and more.
And you'll be happy to learn that you don't have to know how to write a classified ad - the USFreeAds website includes easy to follow instructions on everything from writing your ads to driving traffic to your ads.
Speaking of traffic
Most Internet professionals agree that one of the very best ways to drive traffic online is by writing articles and including your link in what is known as the "resource box."
Once you've written your article, you get have it distributed for free on a number of article distribution sites.
Your article can then be picked up by the search engines, other websites, blogs and ezines, all driving traffic to your classified ads.
Slow down a bit
Placing classified ads online isn't some cheesy "get rich quick" program. Don't let anyone fool ya - you can make money on the Internet, but like anything else worth doing, it takes time and effort.
But if you're willing to do a little work, you can make a decent second income.
Remember, once you write your ads and write your articles, the rest is passive - except for cashing your commission checks (if everything goes well).
Now the rest is up to you
You can sit around talking about making money online, even if you don't have a website, or you can take the next step - kick the tires, look under the hood, go for a test drive.
With classified ads you can make money online now.
And you're
Now Pay Close Attention --
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