subject: How Much You Make Online Depends on Your Mindset [print this page] I would not to the extreme for giving you an example how powerful mindset can be, but I have read somewhere about the fact that in multiple personality disorder patients, their belief about each personality is so strong, it can cause change in physical appearance, like the color of their eyes.
I know this example sounds a bit extreme but it proves a point that mindset is everything.
And the same goes to online business.
Imagine right now that you have an online business. You have done it for quite some times and it has given you an average return. How do you think, you would react to an offer that promise to educate you and take your income to the next level?
There are only two options for that: positive and negative.
You react positively to the proposition if in your mind, you have the mindset that your current strategy can only take you thus far, and to move beyond it, you need new tactics to implement. You probably will take up the offer, based on your mindset.
On the other hand, you react negatively to the offer if you think that nothing will change the result you are getting now. Instead, you blame the economy and competition for trying to get the best of you. Everything else is at fault and not you.
If that is your mindset, how far you think you can go? It is pretty obvious, right?
I remember a story of a salesman in an area, which we are going to call area A, who makes $25,000 in commission every month. But the thing is, other sales persons in the same area are making two times more than him. So the supervisor decided to change his area to area B.
Area B is a tough area. Many sales persons in that area are making average of $9,000 per month in commission. When our friend comes into the area, surprisingly, he brings home the same amount of commission that he used to! That is pretty amazing but not to the supervisor.
He can tell what is going on in that salesman mind. He has the mindset of the $25,000 sales person.
Now Pay Close Attention --
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