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subject: Meet The Man Who Took His Concern For Those Who Are Hearing Impaired And Opened Hearing Aid Business [print this page]

Meet The Man Who Took His Concern For Those Who Are Hearing Impaired And Opened Hearing Aid Business

One hearing aid expert has developed a collection of hearing aids, that utilize the technological improvements of the past fifty years, as well as the enhancements in providing the most comfortable hearing aids possible.

For this specialist, hearing aids are both his business as well as his hobby. When he started his career as a hearing aid specialist in New York back in 1941, he began collecting various hearing aids which were instrumental in the development of the modern hearing aid that we all know today.

Out of the 30 instruments he has collected from different periods of time, two in particular tell a story. Next to a tiny object that looks very similar to a button, the collector sets a pair of very old bell-type dry cell batteries that are very large and surprisingly heavy.

He claims that this can do what the large batteries did 50 years ago with greater efficiency. Back in the early 1920s, technology had advanced enough that the batteries could easily be carried around in a case, or for women, could be carried under their skirts or even hung from a corset to keep them out of sight.

Hearing aids used by men of this era, could be attached to belts, or put in a hip pocket. The part of the hearing aid that provides the sound (the transmitter) was usually hidden beneath the clothing, being attached to the battery by an extremely uncomfortable cord.

Recently, these giant contraptions have been chiseled down to small, comfortable devices that clip onto the ear and you are on your way. There were even some models that could secretly be attached to eyeglass frames.

Those type of hearing aids were known as carbon diaphragms. There was a great advancement in 1938 with the use of the vacuum circuit, and another in 1965 when transistor circuits were invented, making for a smaller design with a longer lasting battery.

The most notable innovations related to hearing devices in the entire history of hearing aids have come about in the past few years. Wireless technology has come to call, casting heavy units with dangling cords aside to make way for lightweight button-sized batteries which can last for 7-10 days.

As early as the 19th Century, individuals have utilized hearing aids ranging from various trumpet types and speakers, to giant horns pointed toward a speaker, while the hearing impaired person had the other tube end in their ear. The hearing aid specialist includes both in one of his collections.

In the era of women wearing their hair in a bun covering their ears, one egotistical matriarch invented quite a brilliant device. It was so easy to cover up the device with the hair by making buns over the ears, and it became a very popular invention.

Two alternative aid choices include one that is much like an ornamental mother-of-pearl cup and another with a combined trumpet and lorgnette in a tortoise shell. For some reason, men were less likely to wear hearing aids, either for vanity purposes or because they didn't want people to know they had a problem.

This hearing aid expert was moving away from one career in favor of another that could hold his interest when he discovered his love for hearing aids. When he made this new change, he had worked for a major eastern seed house as a horticultural consultant for fifteen years.

He wanted to run his own business. He found that obtaining employment at 40 was quite challenging, and he wanted to provide assistance to other individuals.

So he went to New York to study. You'd be surprised at how much hearing plays a role in the relationships of friends, family, and business acquaintances.

Hearing loss affects people both emotionally and psychologically and can cause lasting effects on both the mental and physical attitudes of the patient.

by: John Chambers

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