subject: Child Anxiety And Phobias [print this page] Lots of children develop fear and anxieties which manifest themselves as 'phobias', but phobias are quite different to other kinds of anxiety because the fear created is usually more intense. It is usually in response to something which does not present much of a threat and the response from this threat is sufficient enough to cause the child to avoid the specific type of situation in the future. When the child is unable to physically avoid something, sometimes it is normal for that child to find solace in psychological avoidance - perhaps through daydreaming or visualisation, which can cause the child to attract attention from teachers who perceive this as lack of ability to pay attention.
Another way of coping may be that the child acts impulsively, not allowing themselves time to build up the anxiety reaction. In such cases the child may run into a situtation they know usually causes anxiety, just to get it over with quickly. Sometimes this causes the child to make more mistakes, which can make the anxious response far worse in future. If the child's anxiety is not given the proper care and attention, he or she may develop any number of serious phobias.
Agoraphobia and social phobia are the most common manifestations of child anxiety. These phobias are directly related to anxiety disorders and are not conditions in themselves. This is because they cannot exist without the underlying innappropriate anxiety experienced by the child. Taking social phobia as an example, the only reason the child is phobic of these situations and thus avoids them, is because of the symptoms and sensations he or she experiences when confronted with these sitatuions. These feelings can only be caused by inappropriate anxiety. Eliminate the underlying anxiety disorder and the child's phobias will simply subside.
Why does the child have anxiety? In most cases it is not possible to isolate and pin point one specific cause. While there may be specific events in a child's life which have caused the child to develop the initial anxiety feelings, and hence the catalyst for avoidance of similar events in the future, the anxiety disorder develops over a period of time because the child perpetuates the disorder through his or her behaviour. By habitually avoiding the situations which cause him or her to feel anxious, the anxious response simply takes hold and is triggered every time the child is confronted with such situations.
It is therefore important to eliminate these stressors from the child's life before they cause the habitual anxiety condition. For example, if the child begins to avoid school because of a bad experience one day with another school kid, this must be addressed before the child deliberately avoids school due to an inappropriate fear that the same situation will happen again. If the child continues to avoid school for fear of this situation, the anxious response will take hold as a habit and eventually the child will become anxious every day before going to school.
Child anxiety is something that is experienced by most children at some point in their lives. It is simply just a naturaly part of growing up and experiencing new events in life. So parents should not be too concerned every time their child experiences anxiety; it is however to important to try to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate anxiety. If the latter is suspected, the situation should be addressed so as to avoid the anxious response becoming habitual and consequently developing into an anxiety disorder.
by: Charles Kind
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