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subject: A Better Roofing Business for Over 100 Years—And Now It's Official [print this page]

A Better Roofing Business for Over 100 Years—And Now It's Official

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) was formed in 1912. Six years prior, in 1906, Fred Sherriff and Bert Goslin formed a better business. Fast forward to 2010 and it's officialSherriff-Goslin Company is now an Accredited Better Business Bureau Member. So what took them so long to get accredited? Frankly, they already knew they were better.

For over 100 years Sherriff-Goslin has been providing roofing solutions to Midwestern families. Not only that, but they have been an innovator within the roofing industry itself. Early in its existence Sherriff-Goslin introduced Art-Loc, a unique interlocking diamond shaped asphalt shingle to great success. Adorning homes, barns and churches throughout Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, this diamond shaped shingle has become an iconic symbol in the Midwestern landscape. Given it's unique pattern, the Art-Loc shingle has also been used to create some of the Midwest's most recognized 'roof art' typically found on barns or churches. If you live in this region of the country, you may have cheered (or jeered) a barn proudly wearing "Go Blue" on its roof or seen another warmly welcoming you to Mad River Farm.

As unique an offering as a diamond-shaped shingle is in todays roofing market, Sherriff-Goslin hasn't finished innovating. Vice President Tracie McKeiver elaborates, "We've continued to improve the Art-Loc shingle over the years. Most recently, we reformulated the asphalt in Art-Loc to include SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) to increase the shingle's elasticity and strength." This reformulation and resulting increase in strength has helped the Art-Loc shingle obtain a Class 4 Impact Resistance rating and an 80 mile per hour wind rating. Both are coveted shingle specifications by homeowners who endure tough Midwestern weather.

While innovative products have helped Sherriff-Goslin garner their Accredited standing with the BBB, it appears that they prefer to use an internal yard-stick to measure their success. "We're pleased to carry the Better Business Bureau's Accredited Status at every one of our branch locations," Miss McKeiver continues, "but we take greater pride in our history of consistent quality roofing and in the personal relationships we've formed with our customers." Not ready to rest on their laurels, Sherriff-Goslin has also launched an innovative shingle color selection tool on their web site to help homeowners visualize color selections for their Art-Loc and StormMaster LM brand shingles.

Homeowners should visit the Sherriff-Goslin web site for more information about Art-Loc diamond shaped shingles and Sherriff-Goslin's long history of roofing the Midwest.

A Better Roofing Business for Over 100 YearsAnd Now It's Official

By: The Sherriff

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