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subject: If You Have An Online Business You Must Do This! Pt. 2 [print this page]

If You Have An Online Business You Must Do This! Pt. 2

Have you ever wondered what people think when they start a home or online business?

Do they think, "I just spent all this money on this home business. Now I can just sit back and watch the dough roll in!"

Successful business owners know it doesn't work that way.

If you read Part 1 of If You Have A Home Business then you know to be a successful business owner you MUST TAKE ACTION!

But TAKING ACTION alone is not good enough to achieve success.

When I joined my first online business I remember listening to a training call one night. The leader of the call was making a seven-figure monthly income so I knew I wanted to hear what he had to say and apply it to my business. He explained how he built his business by talking to at least 10 people a day. If someone walked within five feet of him he would introduce himself, hand them a card and schedule a time to talk to them on the phone.

The first thing that sprang into my mind was, "I can't do that!

Back then I was so shy and clumsy I would stutter and my hands would shake when I was nervous.

It was extremely difficult for me to talk to a stranger and even more difficult for me to ask them to join my business.

I did everything to build my home business: cold calling, mailing CDs and brochures, email broadcasts. I did anything and everything I could to build my business except talk to people in person.

I was petrified to move outside my COMFORT ZONE.

My FEAR held me to the confines of my home office where I was safe in my comfort zone, but it kept my business from achieving the succeed I wanted.

You're probably thinking, "Can't you still build a successful business online without talking to people in public?"

And the answer to that is yes and no.

FEAR is something when kept unchecked can multiply and compound. If you don't conquer your FEAR then your FEAR will conquer you.

My FEAR could have grown from speaking to people in public to speaking to people on the phone. If that had happened then my business would truly have suffered.

To conquer my FEAR I made a promise to speak to one person in public every day. I didn't talk to them about my business or the benefits of having extra income. I would start a friendly conversation about the weather, sports or current events.

Every day I became more comfortable talking to people in return they became more comfortable talking to me. That's when they would ask me what I did for a living and I shared with them my online business opportunity.

If you really want your business to succeed you have conquer your FEAR.

You have to go outside the box. Waaaay outside the box.

You can't just think outside the box!

You can't just step outside the box!

You have to LEAP outside the box!

You have to get UNCOMFORTABLE!!!

Do something you know you would never do as though no one else was around to see you do it. Something that produces change, it produces results for you, your lifestyle and your business. Something so unorthodox that when you look back you can't even see that box you jumped out of and you say to yourself out loud, "I can't believe I did that!"

Now, do that uncomfortable something everyday until it becomes a HABIT!

Your habits will change your online business for the better and the results your business produces will make you thank yourself for doing those habits!

In the words of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit."

Get UNCOMFORTABLE! Turn your FEAR into a HABIT starting today!

Create New Habits Today

Scott Gustafson

E-Business Expert

If You Have An Online Business You Must Do This! Pt. 2

By: Scott Gustafson

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