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How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy for a Lawn Care Business

Running a business is an exciting process, but in order to make a lawn business profitable, every business owner must gain and retain customers. In order to accomplish this, lawn care companies must be proactive about their advertising and marketing strategy. Even though word-of-mouth referrals are some of the best methods of obtaining new clients, it is typically not something that can be easily tracked or relied upon to generate a customer list long enough to sustain the business. Therefore, lawn care business owners must rely upon other forms of advertising that have the potential to bring in customers to the business on a regular basis.

Advertising in the local newspaper can be an effective method of promoting a lawn business. The local newspaper will generally be read by local residents so it is very easy to target those customers within a certain geographic region. You can buy in-line text ads, which feature 1-2 lines of text, or you can buy space for a square feature ad, which features space for clip art and text. Look for discounts for long-term advertisements, by asking the Director of Advertising if they offer any sales for advertising purchased for a full year. If you do purchase a square feature ad, make sure you research the design of the ad so that it is well-produced to provide the best results possible among people searching for lawn care services. If you are going to invest in the advertisement, make sure you put out an ad that will generate a positive response from your target customers.

Also consider sending out flyers that advertise your lawn care services. Once again, the design of the flyer is very important, and care should be taken to design a flyer that will garner a high interest from the customer. Although the flyer response rate tends to be on the low side, incorporating flyers to an overall marketing strategy can be an effective way to gain more lawn care customers. Most towns have a local Chamber of Commerce, where local business owners can get together and discuss business issues in a neutral setting. The Chamber of Commerce meetings are also a great place to network and make friends with other local, like-minded businesspeople.

Check local stores, coffeehouses and retailers for public advertisement boards. These boards will generally allow people to post a business card or flyer there for free. Consider developing a website to advertise your lawn care business and include some basic information such as the services provided, rates for new customers, and company contact information. Then you can use Google's AdWords advertising service to target online searchers (who are typing "lawn care mowing" into Google, for example) within a specific geographic area.

A lawn business without customers is not going to make any money. In order to gain new customers and keep current ones, it is important to develop a strong marketing strategy. By combining traditional marketing methods like newspaper ads and flyer placement with newer online methods like website promotion, a lawn care business owner can increase his chances of gaining new customers and increasing his business' profitability. Whether you are starting a new lawn care business or simply running an existing one, you need to always keep a focus on the advertising strategy employed by the business.

How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy for a Lawn Care Business

By: J.E.M.

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