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subject: Reasons Why A Small Business Marketing Company Should Have A Social Media [print this page]

Reasons Why A Small Business Marketing Company Should Have A Social Media

Reasons Why A Small Business Marketing Company Should Have A Social Media

The business industry is one of most crowded fields today. Different companies are competing with each other with the goal of being on top. Marketing is key to a successful business. This would be so because, this branch basically serves as the mouth of a company that will act as the one who will spread the news of the existence of the firm.

Almost of the members of a small business marketing company today are talking about social media. Some of these members may want to utilize this for customer service, recruiting, and for receiving feedback and questions. Some may see this as a huge prospect list while others may view this as something that must be handled well as to the reason a single mistake can easily turn into a large wildfire across several social networks. Now, you may be wondering as to makes the rules for these and who's taking ownership of this really powerful communications tool. For most, they think that this has to under the watch of the marketing department. Let me give you reasons why.

First among these reasons would be, marketing typically has the most to gain in terms of advancements in the social media presence of a company's brand. Now, while the marketing branch is keeping its eyes on the upside potential of the social media channel, the members of the IT team may be seeing this as a large threat to the security of a company's technical infrastructure and the several data files that it supports. Despite this given fact, other people may still see this as a fad or as a channel which can be used intermittently.

The marketing team is perhaps the one that will most likely keep things aflame in terms of carrying the adoption process forward. In their efforts to do this, the members of the team can partner with the members of the IT team, customer service, human resources, and other departments that will be making use of the channel so as to ensure that the different needs of each of these areas are put into consideration.

Next among the reasons would be, marketing has the most to lose. This would be so since the marketing department is mainly responsible for the company's brand. As the social presence of the company's brand grows, it would be best for the marketing team to manage this. In addition, the members of the marketing team must also involve themselves in the formulation of protocols and policies that will be utilized by the different departments of the company. Through this, departments will be able to formulate the customer experiences and interactions that will basically shape or form the company's brand in the social channel and even beyond. This will most likely cause the departmental silos to come down as soon as all of the members of the company are empowered to effectively on behalf of the brand that they are supporting. However, it is still up to the marketing team to shape or form the company's formal messaging, which will basically be the one to handle those conversations.

by: gorilla2marketer

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