subject: Emotional Issues Caused By Being in Debt [print this page] Being in debt causes a sea of emotional issues, and unfortunately many of us don't always make the connection that the root of many of our emotional problems and frustrations are a direct result of the magnitude and calamity of our financial situation. Let's take some time to explore the emotions that come with being in debt, so that we can overcome them.
Some of the emotional problems (and you may be familiar with many of them) that so many of us encounter when we are in debt include:
FRUSTRATION - A lot of us that are in debt are frustrated because we really don't understand how we got in our situation, nor do we understand how to get out of it, and that brings about a large amount of frustration.
EMBARASSMENT - A lot of times we may feel embarrassed that we've allowed ourselves to get to a point of no control. We feel ashamed and sometimes will hide the enormity of our debt problems from our spouses, family and friends; we just don't want people to know.
ANXIETY - When bill collectors are ringing our phones we tend to have a hard time being calm and at peace. We often suffer from anxiety and the inability to sleep. Understand that once you complete this system, you will be able to sleep peacefully again.
INADEQUACY - Being in debt often times make us feel less than adequate because we feel like somehow or another because we allowed ourselves to get in this situation that something is wrong with us. You soon will discover that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, you should know that there are more people in your situation that those that are not.
BITTERNESS AND ANGER - When we're in debt we often become snappy. We snap at our family (please don't let our kids ask for something, because we tend to yell and scream at them), we snap at our spouse, we snap at all the people around us and we don't even really understand or know why we're doing it, but we know that we're irritable because we're uncomfortable with the situation that we're in, and we just really don't know how to handle that.
EXCESS WEIGHT - Believe it or not, studies show that more times than not there is a high correlation between people that are overweight and those that in debt. Usually those individuals that are in debt are the same ones that are overweight. Here's an amazing diet tip: when you lose the debt, you will lose the weight. How many people believe me? Everyone say, yes! Hopefully everyone did because it's true.
In this life, we know that in order to eat the top quality foods in takes top dollars. In order to afford to shop organic in places like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, it takes money, and more times than not, people who have money-problems, tend to not be able to afford the luxury of shopping at these types of places and as a result they eat poorly and tend to be a few pounds overweight.
The bible states in Proverbs 22:7 that, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and a borrower is a servant to the lender." What this means is that when you get into debt, you are automatically put into a hypothetical slave-like situation. A lot of people like to say that their debt collector's are riding them like a monkey on their backs. Well, that's truly what happens. You become like a servant to the person that you owe, so there's nothing better to do than to work on getting out of debt to get those monkeys off your back.
The only thing that can remove those emotional issues and get you on the right track is taking control of your situation and taking the necessary steps to get out of debt. By following the steps in The Debt Smash System E-Book, your attitude, emotions and self-esteem will change. Once you get on the road to getting out of debt, all of those emotions (FRUSTRATION, ANXIETY, EMBARASSMENT, etc.) will virtually disappear. You will become a nicer person, you will feel more accountable and in control of your life, you will feel more responsible, and it will put you in a different (and more positive) state of mind. You're probably already beginning to feel this way just by reading this article.
Emotional Issues Caused By Being in Debt
By: Toni Coleman Brown
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