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Imagination And Organized Business Planning

Organized Planning
Organized Planning

What? Is there any other kind of planning? That's what I asked myself when I saw that chapter title in Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. But I read on and discovered that it is in the imagination that planning

takes place. How many times have you ever planned something and found out later that what you imagined would take place did not because it was impractical for you to achieve. This is where so many people get discouraged and give up, because they use this as an excuse, saying, "Since this is an impractical plan, then I can't achieve it." Napoleon Hill says to make your plan practical, and here are the steps he advocates:

1) Ally yourself with as many people that you may need to carry out your

plan. He calls this the "Master Mind" principle.

2) Before you form your "Master Mind" alliance, he says to decide ahead

what benefits you will offer each person in exchange for their

cooperation; because, he says, no intelligent person is going to work for

no compensationat least not very long.

3) Then plan to meet with the members of your "Master Mind" group at

least twice a week or more until you have perfected a plan of how you

are going to achieve your goal. In his case, he was talking about

accumulating vast amounts of wealth.

4) Perfect harmony needs to be maintained among all members of the

group or it will necessarily fail. He emphasizes that where perfect

harmony does not prevail, the Master Mind cannot obtain meaning their


Two facts are important to remember: You are engaging in something that is extremely important to you and you must have plans that are faultless. Also, you must have the advantage of the experience, the skills, the education, and imagination of others, because that is the only way you can be assured of success. Does that remind you of a concept you learned in business 101? Does the word "synergy" come to mind?

He says only try plans that have been discussed and agreed upon by all in the Master Mind group and if the first plan doesn't work, then make changes until something does work. That way you meet with only temporary defeat. Hill reports that Thomas Edison failed ten thousand times before he created the incandescent light bulb. So when putting together your group, make sure you choose people who don't take defeat too seriously and who do NOT believe money is the only way to make money. DESIRE is transformed into money through these principles and is

also the agency through which money is made.

If you would like to know more ways in which truly successful people reach their goals in life you can find more details in Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich.

Imagination And Organized Business Planning

By: Linda Mautz

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