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Natural Doctors of the Microscopic World

Often times Classic Is Superior
Often times Classic Is Superior

Just about all conventional societies incorporate raw, enzyme-rich foods in their foodsnot just plant foods but also uncooked animal proteins and fats. These people additionally integrate a certain amount of cultured or fermented foods, which feature an enzyme content which is actually further boosted through the fermenting and culturing procedure.

Fermented Is Not Optional For Some

Natural Doctors of the Microscopic World

Those nationalities that ingest sizeable amounts of cooked foods, particularly meat, typically include fermented vegetables or condiments, like sauerkraut and pickled carrots, cucumbers and beets, along with their meals. Even after being subject to high heat, fermented foods will be much more readily assimilated seeing that they are already predigested by enzymes. If the meal provided is composed totally of cooked foods, then a lacto-fermented condiment is required

New Difficulties Resolved By Antique Wisdom?

Scientists and physicians today are mystified by the proliferation of new viruses. They are equally mystified by the recent increases in the occurrence of intestinal parasites and pathogenic yeasts, even among those whose sanitary procedures are flawless. Might it be that in walking away from the old technique of lacto-fermentation and in our insistence on an eating plan in which everything has been pasteurized, all of us have destroyed the healthiness of our intestinal flora and made ourselves susceptible to legions of pathogenic microbes?

A Teeny Solution

If that's so, the treatment for these kinds of illnesses will be discovered not in inoculations, drugs or anti-biotics but in a renovated relationship with the many types of lactobacilli, our natural doctors within a microscopic universe.

Nice Guys and Bad Guys

We have made war on one-celled microorganisms by using disinfection, germicides, fungicides, antibiotics, antiseptics, sterilization, etc. Yet we will need to examine not how to wipe out these bacteria but instead how to make them our friends and allies. When we befriend adequate numbers of good bacteria in our systems there is simply no way the bad guys can even obtain a foot in the door.

Deception Uncovered

When we purchase fruit and vegetables, we are oftentimes fooled by their coloring and look. However when we lacto-ferment veggies the bacteria need to have a huge amount of nutritional vitamins and minerals which only vegetables abundant in these components can deliver. This is why when foods are successfully lacto-fermented, we can relax knowing of their natural nutritional quality.

Support For Acid Problems

Lacto-fermented foods stabilize the level of acidity of the stomach. If stomach acidity is insufficient, it stimulates the acid creating glands of the stomach, and in situations where acidity is too high it has the inverse result. Lactic acid helps breakdown of proteins and as a consequence assists in their assimilation by the system.
Natural Doctors of the Microscopic World

Grow A Microbe Garden Today

As you can see, lacto-fermentation is involved in numerous processes that deliver the body a healthy edge. Consistent consumption of these condiments is so important and easy to produce that we should not wait in adding them to our diet.

Natural Doctors of the Microscopic World

By: Brent

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