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Emotion and Color of Business Cards

Changing color in the graphic design and mastering the emotional color of the plastic business card design is quite helpful. In this article, we will talk about emotion and color of business cards.

Dynamic and static color

As the red can be specifically associated with fire, blood, sun, etc., can also be associated with abstract passion, danger, fire and so on. Condition can be specifically associated with light, orange, autumn leaves, etc., can also be associated with abstract warm, happy, etc.. Can be specifically associated with the yellow light, lemon, winter jasmine, etc., can also be associated with abstract light, hope, joy and so on. So, red, orange, yellow gives a sense of excitement is the active color. Can be specifically associated with the blue sea, sky, water, etc., can also be associated with abstract calm, is a static color. Gray contrast in pure, solid relatively active, relatively quiet gray.

The amount of color sense

Color itself has the amount of light and heavy sense of feeling in general, determined according to differences in brightness, bright sense of color light gray color feel heavy. The same brightness, high color saturation lower than the feeling of light. Control the amount of color on the business card design reflects a sense of law is important.

Gorgeous color and simplicity.

Some colors gives a gorgeous, elegant feel, such as: white, gold, silver and so on. Some color gives a simple, elegant feel, such as: gray, blue, green and so on. Gorgeous colors generally of high purity, low color purity of simple, bright and gorgeous colors, dark colors simple. In the famous design, we can rely on the holder's identity and job characteristics to determine the application of gorgeous color or plain color. Emotional color is very rich in the abstract principle, it can show a rich man and nature, emotion and atmosphere. Therefore, we designers have to play to imagine the delicate use of color emotion, appropriately improve the design.

Emotion and Color of Business Cards

By: hongyush2008

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