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subject: Practical Commentaries Talking About Ways On How To Find Budget Air Ticket Prices [print this page]

Tips on Getting Cheap Flights to India
Tips on Getting Cheap Flights to India

Do you want to spend your vacation in India?Well then get hold of your pen and a piece of paper and take these notes down on how you can get cheap plane tickets to India!First tip would be to consider booking your trip via a less popular airline. To name some budget carriers that service India are Kenya Airways and Gulf Air. Air India and Indian Airlines are national airlines, so most likely the airfares here are relatively more expensive than the formerly mentioned. Also don't forget to take note of the carrier's peak and off peak days. It's a given that air tickets booked during the holiday season especially on New Year and Christmas days are of course the priciest. You should also be aware of India's national events and festivals for these would cause plane ticket rates to rise. When it comes to the days of the week when flights are cheapest, it would be during the middle of the week. Avoid weekends and Mondays. It would also help if you get flights that go through large cities for stopover.

Cheap Flights to China

China is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the Asian region, given that the Great Wall of China is there. If you are to go to China for a trip, there are a lot of available discount airlines you can choose from that offer cheap flights. Chinas first ever discount airline was launched midyear of 2005 and from then, a lot of other discount airlines followed. An example of this is China United. China United flies out of Beijings Nanyuan Airport to different cities in Northern China. Another is Hong Kong Express which flies to different locations in China like Hangzhou and Ningbo from Hong Kong. So if you will be originating from Hong Kong, or are thinking of stopping over in Hong Kong, this carrier would be your best bet. You might also want to check out Spring Airlines. Spring Airlines flies from its base in the city of Shanghai to more than 20 different destinations in China.

Budget Intercontinental Flight

It can't be avoided that when planning for an intercontinental holiday trip or vacation, we think right away that we'll be spending too much money due to high tour expenses. But do you know that there are heaps of low cost carriers nowadays that offer cheap intercontinental flights?Theres Condor if you will be flying from Germany to anywhere in Europe, the Middle East, America, Africa and Asia. There's Eurofly for flights between New York City and various Italian destinations. There's Icelandair, another low cost airline, if you will be coming from Ireland and going to anywhere in North America or Europe. Jetstar is one of the popular carriers that services East Asia, Australasia and Hawaii. So the next time you think of flying to a different continent, worry no more about your budget. That's what intercontinental budget airlines are there for!

Budget Flights to Middle East

The Middle East is popular for having the best and most exotic tourist destinations in the world. Theres Beirut or the City of Delights, Doha, Qatar, also dubbed as A New Arts Capital, Marrakesh in Morocco for the great Moroccan cuisine, Egypts Red Sea, and a whole lot more. Airlines Air Arabia, Atlas Blue, Nas Air, Menajet and Jazeera Airways offer cheap flights that will fit your budget. Air Arabia is considered one of the largest low cost carriers in the Middle East. Atlas Blue connects European destinations like France, and Marrakech and Agadir in Morocco. Menajet on the other hand has quite a limited network, flying to Beirut and Lebanon, while Nas Air operates only in Saudi Arabia. Jazeera Airways on the other hand flies from its bases in Kuwait and Dubai to a couple of destinations in the Middle East and India. Pick the airline that serves your area and your area of destination and find the hottest rates they have to offer!

by: Guilluame Athill

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